
The Heart of Croatia, Where Tradition Meets Contemporary Charm

Nestled amidst the rolling landscapes of northwestern Croatia, Zagreb gracefully balances its historical roots with a modern, dynamic pulse. As Croatia's capital and largest city, it seamlessly weaves tales of medieval towers, Austro-Hungarian elegance, and contemporary arts and cafes. Let’s wander through the lively squares of Zagreb, from the historic Upper Town to the bustling streets of the Lower Town.

1. Ban Jelačić Square: Zagreb’s Vibrant Core

Begin your journey at Ban Jelačić Square, the central hub of city life, surrounded by elegant buildings and filled with the buzz of trams, locals, and street performers.

2. Upper Town: A Nostalgic Stroll through History

Discover the charm of Upper Town or Gornji Grad, home to the medieval Lotrščak Tower, St. Mark's Church with its colorful tiled roof, and the Stone Gate, which holds a sacred shrine.

3. Museum of Broken Relationships: A Unique Homage to Love

Explore the quirky yet poignant Museum of Broken Relationships, which displays mementos from failed romances, offering a blend of humor, heartbreak, and healing.

4. Dolac Market: The Stomach of Zagreb

Experience the city's gastronomic heart at Dolac Market, where vendors sell a medley of fresh produce, traditional delicacies, and artisanal products against a backdrop of red parasols.

5. Maksimir Park: A Green Oasis of Tranquility

Relax in Maksimir Park, Zagreb’s largest green space, with its serene lakes, dense forests, and the city's zoo, making it a perfect escape from urban hustle.

6. Zagreb’s Coffee Culture: Sip and Savor

Immerse yourself in Zagreb’s coffee culture at its myriad of cafes. Whether it's along Tkalčićeva Street or a hidden courtyard, enjoy the ritual of leisurely sipping and people-watching.

7. Zagreb Eye: Panoramic Vistas from Above

Ascend to the Zagreb Eye observation deck, capturing sweeping views of the city’s red rooftops, church spires, and the distant Medvednica Mountain.